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Chocolate Humor

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dark chocolate humor

I was sitting on a bus eating a piece of chocolate. A man sat down next to me and said, “Eating so much chocolate isn’t good for you.”
I answered, “My grandfather died when he was 112 years old.”
The man asked, “Do you think he lived so long because he was eating lots of chocolate?”
I answered, “No, he lived so long because he minded his own business.”

What do you call a sheep covered in chocolate? A candy baa

Momma said, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get" - Forrest Gump

There's nothing better than a good friend...except a good friend with chocolate

My friend told me a chocolate joke but it wasn't funny so I just snicker'd

What do you call a cat dipped in chocolate? A Kit-Kat 

Andy has 150 candy bars and eats 125 of them. What does Andy have now? Diabetes. 

What is a monkey's favorite cookie? Chocolate Chimp!